


Wir empfehlen die Verwendeung der aktuellsten Version. See also all releases.

Windows 10+

32-Bit Windows

64-Bit Windows


Debian Pakete


Fedora RPM Pakete

Die Pakete tortoisehg und tortoisehg-nautilus sind nun als Standard-Fedora-Pakete im Update-Repository verfügbar.

The rpms for all archs and source rpms can be downloaded on https://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/packageinfo?packageID=9526



If no package yet exists for your platform, then use the source installing method described on the thg page. We do not recommend installing from a tarball, even though we make one available for download. We prefer the use of a local clone of TortoiseHg instead. If you do use a tarball, you will need to manually edit the installed thgutil/config.py.

To use the settings tool on Linux, you must have https://github.com/candlepin/python-iniparse installed.

Mac OS X

OS X DMG packages are available, thanks to Matt Harbison and Andre Rudlaff.

See the MacOSX wiki page for details on source installs.


Copyright © 2023 Steve Borho und andere.

Design by Yuki Kodama.